A community art space + coffee shop in Philipsburg, PA
Getting ready…
The PRC are doing a great job fixing up the space. It is really coming along!

We still need a few things to help get be open this September (that’s the goal at the moment).
We need to build a bar for the café, build some shelves for the pottery room and work tables for the front and print spaces. We also need some sinks, lighting and other things to make the space a welcoming and workable space for everyone.
If you would like to donate your time and energy and skills to help us, say, build the bar, or if you have workable, used utility sinks you are no longer using and could donate, or any of the other things listed on this page, please let us know! Email us at hello@arterypa.net with your info.
If you would like to contribute cash or check, give us a shout. Or you can donate using PayPal as well (see link below).
And THANK YOU so much! We really appreciate all your help and support so far. And as we develop our classes and membership levels, (which we will be posting in August), we are also coming up with donor levels and rewards, so stay tuned!
We had such a good time! Thank you so much for coming to our first ever ARTery FUNdraiser!

A BIG thank you to the DEAD CANARY for letting us use their beautiful space.
And THANK YOU so much to our local musical acts, the SILVER FOX and SPECIAL BLEND HUNDREDS. You can find the Special Blend Hundreds on BANDCAMP and playing locally. Thank you!!
We had a blast and we hope you did too! Stay tuned for more fun events in the future and updates on the space! It is coming along and we are getting excited about it!
We are accepting donations…
Check out our Donations page, for a list of items we need to make this space the best it can be.
If you see something you can contribute please contact us and let us know!
We are so incredibly grateful for all of your support!

Check our Blog page and socials for posts about our progress!
104 N. Front Street, Philipsburg, PA
Artery will be in this space on Front Street in Philipsburg, PA, which is being revitalized by the Philipsburg Revitalization Corporation (PRC).
Who we are
ARTery is being founded by Lynn Anne Verbeck and Adrienne Waterston as an art space featuring pottery and silkscreen printmaking facilities for artists and community members in the back part of the building. A coffee shop / hang out space with an art gallery and art shop will inhabit the front space.
Stay tuned for developments as we help build the space.
Sign up for our newsletter or check out our blog as we go through this process of creating this space! We will also be posting to social media @artery.pa on Insta and FB @arterypa (see links below).

Special thanks goes to…
The PRC (Philipsburg Revitalization Corporation, a nonprofit, volunteer organization working to improve Philipsburg, PA) for working with us to get us into this space in the first place.